Congratulations to Colton Mills and Brady Oldfield. They qualifed to compete in the State Wrestling Tournament.

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, April 15th. Deadline to register is March 10th. Go to myact.org

Regular Board Meeting tonight will be Facebook live on the Newkirk Public Schools facebook page. February 13 2023 7:00pm

Seniors, check out these scholarships! https://www.newkirk.k12.ok.us/page/february

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, February 11th. TODAY is the last day to register WITH a LATE FEE. Go to myact.org

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, February 11th. TODAY is the last day to register WITHOUT a LATE FEE. Go to myact.org

Seniors, check out these scholarships! https://www.newkirk.k12.ok.us/page/january

Seniors, check out these scholarships! https://www.newkirk.k12.ok.us/page/january

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, February 11th. Deadline to register is January 6th. Go to myact.org

Seniors, check out these scholarships! https://www.newkirk.k12.ok.us/page/december

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, December 10th. TODAY is the last day to register WITH a LATE FEE. Go to myact.org

SENIORS! Elks Most Valuable Scholarship Application is open. Deadline is November 14th. Visit enf.elks.org/MVS to apply.

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, December 10th. TODAY is the last day to register WITHOUT a LATE FEE. Go to myact.org

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, December 10th. Deadline to register is November 4th. Go to myact.org

Seniors, check out these scholarships! https://www.newkirk.k12.ok.us/page/november

SENIORS! Elks Most Valuable Scholarship Application is open. Deadline is November 14th. Visit enf.elks.org/MVS to apply.

Register for the ACT Test. Next test is Saturday, December 10th. Deadline to register is November 4th. Go to myact.org

SENIORS! Elks Most Valuable Scholarship Application is open. Deadline is November 14th. Visit enf.elks.org/MVS to apply.

Juniors/Senior Ladies: OSU IT Women in Industry Event
OSU Institute of Technology and the School of Engineering and Construction Technologies invites you to attend Women in Industry on November 10th, 2022 from 9am-2pm! Giveaways, free food, music, games, and more! This event is open to young women wanting to learn about careers in energy!
Interested students will need to see Ms. Rowe, to arrange a college visit day to attend this event.
Register today to secure your spot at this event: https://slate.to/xdUtYaoB
For more information about Women in Industry or questions, reach out to Kellie Kimzey by email at kellie.deville@okstate.edu.

Seniors, check out these scholarships! https://www.newkirk.k12.ok.us/page/october